A selection of papers will be reviewed and published in a GREC postworkshop book in LNCS.
Each paper can have up to 12 pages in the LNCS format (see http://www.springer.com/west/home/computer/lncs?SGWID=4-164-7-72376-0&teaserId=45515&CENTER_ID=73062 to format your paper).
Please submit the following to the GREC2009 organization committee :
(a) The camera-ready version of your contribution. Papers should not exceed 12 pages, including reference . The accepted document file formats are Acrobat (.pdf), preferably, or PostScript (.ps). Be carefull that all fonts are included.
(c) Completed copyright form
Items(a) and (b) must be sent electronically to the volume editors in a .zip or .tar.gz file by e-mail to the following address: grec2009@univ-lr.fr
For other details of instructions, please contact us at : grec2009@univ-lr.fr