Eighth IAPR

    International Workshop on Graphics Recognition - GREC 2009

A selection of papers will be reviewed and published in a GREC postworkshop book in LNCS.


Each paper can have up to 12 pages in the LNCS format (see http://www.springer.com/west/home/computer/lncs?SGWID=4-164-7-72376-0&teaserId=45515&CENTER_ID=73062 to format your paper).

The following are the dates we presented in the closing session.
- October 31, 2009. upload your updated paper to http://grec2009.univ-lr.fr  as a new version of your current paper.
- November-December. Review process. Each paper will be assigned to three reviewers. At least one of them will be someone who attended to GREC2009.
- January 31, 2010. Acceptance notification.
- March 20, 2010. Final version

Final version of your paper should be submitted by email to grec2009@univ-lr.fr

The final version must be prepared using the SpringerLNCS guidelines which can be found at http://www.springer.com/computer/lncs?SGWID=0-164-7-72376-0

Please submit the following to the GREC2009 organization committee : 

(a) The camera-ready version of your contribution. Papers should not exceed 12 pages, including reference . The accepted document file formats are Acrobat (.pdf), preferably, or PostScript (.ps). Be carefull that all fonts are included. 

(b) Source (input) files: "LATEX files with all the associated style files, special fonts and eps or bib files, or Word or rtf files)"

  • For example, LaTeX2e files for the text and PS or EPS files for figures. 
  • Final DVI file (for papers prepared using LaTeX/TeX). 
  • RTF files (for word-processing systems other than LaTeX/TeX).  

(c) Completed copyright form 

Items(a) and (b) must be sent electronically to the volume editors in a .zip or .tar.gz file by e-mail to the following address: grec2009@univ-lr.fr

Please, indicate in your e-mail the paper id, title and authors.  

For other details of instructions, please contact us at : grec2009@univ-lr.fr

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