Cultures en mouvement 19e - 21e siècles

    Changer de cultures : enjeux du déplacement Amériques/Asie

detailed program in progress


Provisional program of the conference

“Cultures in Movement 19th – 21st Centuries: Changing Culture / The Stakes of Displacement in the Americas and / or Asia” - 10 and 11 October 2013, Université de La Rochelle, France



  • Workshops on the following themes :

South Pacific studies

Asian studies

American studies

Images and representations

Comparative literature


  • One keynote speech per half-day

George Bryan de Souza, « Aux sources des relations Asie-Amériques : l’empire portugais »

Muneeza Shamsie, "Changing perspectives on the Americas in Pakistani English Fiction"

Till Kuhnle, “Realizing and Communicating Change”

James Block, "beyond homo economicus"


  • two roundtables featuring doctoral students and discussion of the publication of the conference proceedings planned with Cambridge Scholars Press.
Application Colloque - L'application de gestion des colloques est un projet soutenu historiquement par l'Union Européenne dans le cadre du programme Innova-TIC.
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